When you step into Creston Church, you'll notice something special: children and youth aren’t simply present - they’re recognized and valued. They frequently take on leadership roles, whether it's up front during worship or behind the scenes. We all benefit from their unique expression and joyful experience of God. Their energy and enthusiasm add vitality to our worship and strengthen our congregation in meaningful ways.
Children's Sanctuary Space
At the front of the sanctuary is a designated children's space where they may better hear and see the service. The area is equipped with coloring pages, books, and other hands-on activities. Parents or caregivers are encouraged to sit near their child to provide support. Worship Materials Children are also welcome to take materials back to their seats. You'll find additional art supplies in the back of church, as well as worship ribbons and liturgy bags that contain tactile materials to help children of all ages move through the worship service. |
The Family Room
If you or your child needs a quiet space, you're welcome to use the Family Room downstairs. You'll find relaxed seating, dimmed lighting, books and coloring pages, as well as a sensory tool kit. You can also watch the livestreamed service. We do ask that children are supervised for everyone's safety. |
Children's Worship
Most Sundays children gather downstairs for Children's Worship (details in the Sunday Programs links below). However, they are always welcome to remain upstairs with their parent or caregiver. On Sundays when Children's Worship isn't offered, we take care to provide creative opportunities for them to worship in the service. |