Prayer Ministry
A small group meets weekly to pray together. All are welcome! Contact the church office for time and location. Designated Prayer Servants are also available on Sunday mornings for anyone requesting prayer. |
Shepherding Elders
Shepherding Elders build relationships with those in our church and community - praying for them, lovingly encouraging them, supporting them in crisis, and walking alongside them on their faith journey. |
Intergenerational Activities
We appreciate getting outdoors, being active and delighting in creation together. We’ve enjoyed annual River Floats and Snow Fun Days, as well as an adult recreational soccer league, all-ages ultimate frisbee, yoga, youth bike trips, and Wonder Walks - meditative and explorative walks to engage our senses in God’s creation. |
Worship in the Garden
Once a month, throughout the summer, we gather for worship in our garden behind the Ministry Center. We welcome the opportunity to experience God through nature and worship in a different setting. Worship Leaders Sunday worship is planned and led by rotating volunteer teams that reflect our varied worship backgrounds. We value participation over performance and welcome all ages to lead us in worship. Tech Support Whether members of our volunteer Tech Support Team are running the soundboard, PowerPoint or livestream, they provide crucial support for our Sunday worship experience. |
Coffee Break Bible Study
Women’s Coffee Break Bible Study meets Thursday mornings in the Ministry Center. Women of all ages, and children, are welcome! Lectionary Bible Study Teens on up are welcome to participate in Lectio Divina, discussion, and Lectionary-based prayer for the upcoming Sunday’s passages. Book Studies We’ve been challenged and encouraged through congregation-wide book studies on relevant topics such as racism, justice, accessibility, and worship. |